Signs Your Pet Has Allergies

Signs Your Pet Has Allergies

Wondering if your pet has allergies? Unfortunately, cats, dogs, and other pets can suffer from a wide variety of allergies, including seasonal pollen allergies, food allergies, and more. Allergies can result in dermatology issues, including a skin rash, and can cause a lot of irritation. If your pet is suffering from allergies and you live in or near Eugene, visit us at The Veterinary Hospital for treatment and advice.

Let’s take a look at some common signs of pet allergies.

Common Signs that Your Pet Is Suffering from Allergies

Dermatology issues are common among pets with allergies. Pollen, chemical cleaners, soap, and foods may all result in a rash or other dermatology issue. It’s smart to regularly groom your pet and to keep an eye out for rashes and other skin problems.

You may notice your pet pawing at his eyes or ears. He may also lick specific parts of his body frequently, perhaps causing bald spots and other issues.

Like humans, animals suffering from allergies may also experience breathing issues, puffy red eyes, coughing, sneezing, and more. If your pet is struggling to breathe, it’s best to take him to an animal hospital right away for treatment. Emergency pet care may be in order.

How Can Vets Treat Pet Allergies?

Fortunately, vets can use a variety of methods to provide irritation relief, including oral and topical medications. That said, it’s important to identify the allergen causing your pet’s symptoms. Pollen, food, mold, or household cleaners may be causing your pet to suffer an allergic reaction.

When possible, it’s best to remove allergens from your pet’s environment. If pollen is the culprit, you may want to avoid walks and trips to the park when the pollen count is high. Installing HEPA filters at home may provide relief for both you and your pet.

If food is the culprit, a diet change is in order. Fortunately, there are a variety of pet foods available and it’s also possible to make high-quality, natural pet food at home. It’s smart to talk with a vet about nutrition.

Do you live in or around Eugene? Visit us at The Veterinary Hospital for allergy treatment for your pets!

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